ERA Projects
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Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir
Udhampur-Ramnagar Road
Imptt/UG of Udhampur–Ramnagar road


Category: Design as you Built
Location: Jammu Transport Roads
Districts Passing:

Constituency Passing:

Status: Works Allotted
ERA Ref: Type:Works Mode: LCB
ERA Pac ID: 0047
PCSS No: 0028A
Scope of Work: 27.73 KM
Contract Cost in Rs crore: 37.48
Dynamic Cost in Rs crore: 39.58
Contractor Details PBA Infrastructure
Date of Signing of Contract 18 December 2006
Date of Start of Work (NTP) 18 December 2006
Completion Period (24 Months)
Completion Date as per Contract 17 December 2008
Earthwork - 27 km completed out of 27.53 km. Breast walls- 3766 RM completed out of 3785 RM. Retaining wall - 6486 RM completed out of 6878 RM. Side drains: 20555 RM completed out of 22000 RM.
Hume pipe culverts -67 nos. culverts completed out of 67 nos. Slab culverts -15 nos. completed out of 21. GSB - 26.998 Km completed out of 27.530 km. WMM - 26.998 Km completed out of 27.530 km. DBM -26.68 Km completed out of 27.530 km. BM - 11.37 Km completed out of 11.37 km. SDBC: 7.2 km completed out of 27.530 km.
Tawi Bridge: At abutment A1, 8 lifts completed out of 15 lifts. At abutment A2, raft is completed, 9 lifts completed out of 15 lifts. P1 - 2 lifts completed out of 15 lifts, P2 - 2 lifts completed out of 15 lifts, P3 - excavation in progress, P5 - Raft completed. Riti bridge : Sub Structure - Abutment A1 & A2 completed Riti bridge : Super Structure - i) Slab Casted Finishing work is in progress

Road Udhampur-Ramnagar is located in Udhampur district taking off from Roun-Domail, 10 kms off Udhampur city which is located 67 kms from Jammu on National Highway-1A.